Written by Kevin Lowe for the Lowe Down with Kevin Lowe, May 20, 2022
When the alarm goes off in the morning, do you curse its existence? Do you find yourself dreading the
day to come? If so, please know you are definitely not alone in feeling this way!
There’s a point in everyone’s life where they realize they don’t love their current life path and crave
some positive change. In most cases, you might think a complete overhaul is what you need, but I’m
here to tell you that in many cases you don’t have to make such a drastic change. Sometimes all you
need is to make a few changes.

The perfect life does not exist. But it is possible to create a life you love. And the truth is, you deserve to
have a life you can’t wait to wake up for!
Here are some tips to create that life that you love:
1. Determine what you would like to change.
The most important question you can ask yourself is, “What do I want to change?” If you don’t know your current values and goals, how can you ever expect to come up with a life worth living?
● Instead of just changing one thing, it’s essential to determine why you want the change in the first place. You might want to strengthen your relationships or change your career path. Whatever the case may be, it’s essential to know your goal before working on your strategy.
2. Be honest with yourself.
As we grow up, our goals change. The things we desire change. That’s normal. One thing that shouldn’t change, however, is your integrity.
● Never settle for a “good enough” life if you truly want something better. If you own a business and are unhappy with the way it runs, take the steps necessary to fix it rather than just working around the problems.
● It’s easy to overlook your values and morals when you’re stuck in a rut or dealing with circumstances beyond your control. But remember, there’s a difference between compromising and settling.
3. Assume the attitude of rolling with the punches and bending when the wind blows.
In the same vein as honesty, it’s also vital that you are open to change. Sometimes things happen that will throw a wrench in your plans. Sometimes circumstances beyond your control can make it challenging to achieve your goal. But nothing lasts forever.
● You can achieve most goals and dreams if you keep trying despite the setbacks. You’ll inevitably face roadblocks. But you can still reach your ultimate destination if you’re willing to roll with the punches and bend when the wind blows.