Written by Doug Parker, May 2020, published for CruiseRadio.net
NOTE: Since this was written, many travel organizations, including cruise lines, are requiring a specific Covid-rider be attached to the insured’s travel policy. An insurance rider is an adjustment or an add-on to a basic insurance policy. Riders are designed to provide additional benefit over the stated coverage in the basic policy. A rider is useful for tailoring an insurance policy to the precise needs of the insured entity.
Whether or not to purchase travel insurance is a decision every cruiser has to make each time they plan a vacation. While we’ve always believed insurance to be both important and worth every penny, that’s truer now than it has ever been. Sure, there’s a very good chance you won’t actually need it, but if ever there was a case of “better safe than sorry,” this would be it.
When it comes time to actually making this purchase, there are a few things you need to know — and make sure to get right — in order to get the most out of your policy. Make any of the mistakes below, and your very valuable policy could become, in essence, a worthless piece of paper. So before buying trip insurance, make sure to avoid these costly errors.
1. You Didn’t Cover The Entire Trip
Make sure you understand exactly what aspects of your trip are covered by the policy you choose. This is particularly important if you’re flying or driving to the city from which your cruise will depart. READ MORE