Written by John Morris, WheelchairTravel.org, 2020
Charm City. A city of neighborhoods. Industry. Seafood. Science. Religion.

These are each hallmarks of the city of Baltimore, the largest city in the state of Maryland. Baltimore was first settled in 1729 and soon became a major shipping and commerce center in the mid-Atlantic. While the city remains an important shipping port, it is also an important center of finance, industry and science. The area has become a leader of innovation in the fields of health and science, due in large part to the presence of Johns Hopkins University and the nearby University of Maryland. Accessibility in the city is quite good, with one particular bright spot being the fully accessible public transportation system.
Public Transportation
Baltimore’s public transportation system is fully accessible to the disabled and wheelchair users. By using a combination of metro subway, light rail and bus service, wheelchair users can access all parts of the city. Information, tips and guidelines for using the city transportation network if you have a mobility challenge can be found below.
Metro Subway system
The Baltimore subway system features a single line with 14 stops. The subway and its train cars are wheelchair accessible. Elevators from the street entrance to train platform are available at all stations. The subway runs from Johns Hopkins Hospital to Owings Mills.
Light Rail (LR)

The Baltimore Light Rail is wheelchair accessible on all trains and at all stops. The network features three lines which serve 33 stations. A map of the light rail system is available via a link below.
Riders access the light rail by climbing several steps. Wheelchair access to light rail trains is provided by a high platform, accessed via ramp, at each station. The first train car is equipped with a fold-out ramp which allows the wheelchair user to cross the gap and board or alight from the train. Wheelchair users should wait at the top of the elevated platform prior to the arrival of the desired train.