Written by Anna Akopyan, EuroWeekly News and Views, July 12, 2024

Accessibility on the beach Credit: Benidorm Council
Another development was installed in Benidorm, facilitating people with reduced mobility on local beaches; ensuring access for all.
Benidorm City Council collaborated with the Department of Beaches to install the latest development of a special crane to assist people of reduced mobility in transporting through the beach.
An operation which “until now required the intervention of at least two lifeguards and that can now be carried out with a single assistant and without the need for sudden movements or be difficult for the user,” emphasised the Councilor for Beaches, Monica Gomez.
The crane has been placed at the accessible beach of Levante, allowing complete comfort and safety for all disabled visitors to the beach.

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez, accompanied Gomez to view the development, highlighting; “In this day, we are pioneers in bringing accessibility to our beaches so that it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their condition and capabilities.”
The new installation can now be used alongside the existing support, including access ramps, walkways, adapted changing rooms, amphibious chairs and crutches of different sizes. Moreover, there are special shaded spaces and even a WIFI connection, as well as regular lifeguard service.
Benidorm has been a great example of inclusivity for the disabled since it first introduced accessible beach points throughout the city in 2000. Last year alone, the service assisted 16, 155 users of the Levante, Elche Park and La Cala beaches.

The City Council, however, is determined to do more. The Councilor of Beaches expressed that although the beaches of Benidorm “are fully equipped and are set as an example of a fully accessible and inclusive service, the City Council continues to explore all possible avenues of improvements.”
Gomez revealed that the council will therefore request a subsidy from the Generalitat Valenciana, focusing on the project to improve three points of accessible beaches, including the acquisition of roller walkways, a handrail and three new amphibious chairs, one of them size XXL. The estimated budget is €12, 815.