Written By Kevin Lowe, The Lowe Down, May 18, 2021
When I turned on the OPEN sign for my travel agency in 2013, I spent an awfully long time trying to hide the fact that I was blind. I was afraid that people would look at me as someone certainly not capable of being trusted with their dream vacation.
I began my business venture into the world of the “long lost travel agent” at the age of 26 years old. Just to give you a bit of context, the doors to my home-based travel agency, Better Days Travel, opened just over 9 years after becoming completely blind.
Breaking into an industry which in my area relied heavily on attracting the business of the senior population I found it to be quite difficult to get this older generation to take this “young whipper-snapper” seriously. Add in the fact that I was completely blind and had not yet discovered that my “disability” is in fact what makes me the amazing travel advisor that I am, pretty much equaled a less than stellar start to my new career.
But sometimes all it takes is just one person to believe in you…
Tommy Cates was the kind of man who you couldn’t have been happier for when the news came out that he hit the jackpot on the Florida Lottery. He would play his cards right, making the absolute most he could out of his winnings; and what better way to utilize these winnings than by traveling.