Written by Laura for APieceOfTravel.com, March 29, 2020
Ah, remote work. Do you think of laying in a beach chair while sending out emails? Joining a conference call from bed? Picking up your kids from school between client calls? Working remotely is a broad term that looks a bit differently for everyone. However, there are some key remote work best practices that can be applied across the board and I’m here to share them with you.
What do you really know, Laura?
Before I reveal my top remote work best practices, let me give you a quick background of my own remote experience.
I’m a full time travel consultant and part time travel blogger. In other words, the spitting image of the term “digital nomad”.
I LOVE working remotely. With over three years of remote work under my belt, the thought of going back to an office has me feeling like https://www.apieceoftravel.com/remote-work-best-practices/Punxsutawney Phil when he sees his shadow.
Given the quickly changing world we’re living in, you’ve likely stumbled upon this post either by choice or force. Regardless of what led you here, I’m glad it did. You’re in good digital hands.
Now, let’s dive into my recommendations for remote work best practices. Regardless of the kind of remote work you do, you’ll likely be able to find a way to incorporate these tips to help you set the foundation for remote work and improve productivity.
1. Have WiFi (and make sure it’s good)
Can you say, “Duh, Laura?”
For some of you, this will be an easy step to check off your list of remote work best practices. However, particularly for those who are digital nomads, having good WiFi is not always a given.
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