Written by Chillie Falls for Whill_US and accessadventure.net, April 2, 2024
After and month and a half sitting at home, mostly taking care of doctor appointments and tests, I am ready for some new adventures. Before that schedule starts, I decided a change to my Model c2 was in order.

So, my “new red” chair is ready to roll.
I can not emphasize enough about how comfortable I am on a Whill Model C2. I am sure you can tell, I am a big fat guy. All the years I used Scootaround Mobility Scooters and my first light-weight chair, I never felt comfortable and even managed to roll a scooter twice. Thankfully, I was not injured on either occasion, except for my wounded pride. I was top heavy on scooters, and not sturdy on the lighter chair.
My model C2 from Whill_US cures both and I have been so totally comfortable on numerous cruises, ports and cities with varying degrees of accessibility, uphill or down, uneven or smooth. She will go anywhere.
I gladly sacrificed the ability to use a fold-up chair with the sturdiness of a C2. I travel solo. The C2 comes apart into 4 pieces for storage in the trunk. However, in my specific case, my oxygen levels, even with a portable O2 unit, does not give me enough time to either assemble or disassemble the unit. And neither chore takes more than a couple of minutes. As a result, I installed a lift on the back of my car so I can just roll on, strap the Model C2 to the lift, raise it, and get to my front seat without causing stress to my breathing.
The only other drawback is on certain cruises with tender ports of call, most tenders are 2 decks with stairs. Those exact cases eliminate me, as they have for all the years I have used mobility devices. However, that is changing slowly. Norwegian has recently purchased four tenders, each with a lift that are fully accessible. Hopefully other cruise lines with follow. When a cruise ship is at dock, no mater the steepness of the gangway slope, I am good to go.
My next adventures are a trip to Ohio for the eclipse, and a Carnival cruise from Jacksonville. Alaska (again), Boston, Quebec, Europe and more are all in my near future.
#whill_us @whill_us #chilliescruises #cruisewithchillie